Assisting Parties to Efficiently and Effectively Move From Dispute to Resolution

Count on the Expert in Family Law Matters and Conflicts


Dolan Mediation is committed to providing cost-effective alternative dispute resolution services in all areas of family law, including marital dissolution, child custody, parenting time, spousal maintenance, complex financial issues, and post-decree modifications.

While I enjoyed my litigation practice, what I learned is that litigation is a win/lose process that depletes everyone’s financial, emotional, and personal resources with the final resolution of the dispute being abdicated to a judicial officer. While the focus of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is to find a cooperative process that empowers the parties in the dispute to let go of this adversarial model so that they can craft their own resolution of their disputes with the assistance of an experienced, qualified neutral.

Dolan Mediation provides the following family law alternative dispute resolution services:

Dolan Mediation is conveniently located on the southeast corner of Highway 494 and France Avenue in the Northland Plaza Building